Tip Calculator

You have already written your first program but now you will write one that has a real-world application. The requirements for accomplishing this assignment will be given.


Fork the lesson one homework repository.

Lesson 1 Homework

Clone your remote repository (replacing reedcwilson with your username).

git clone https://github.com/reedcwilson/lesson1.git

Change directories in your terminal to your newly cloned repository.

cd lesson1

Open the tip-calculator.py file in your text editor.


Write a program that receives the following inputs from the user:

  • the server's name

  • how much the meal cost

  • the tax rate as a floating point (e.g. 6.5)

  • the tip percent as an integer (e.g. 15 or 20)

Print out the following results:

  • The amount to tip

  • The total amount for the meal

  • A thank you for the server

Turn It In

When you are finished, stage your changes:

git add .

Then create a commit:

git commit -m "replace this string with your commit message"

Push your changes back to GitHub:

git push origin master

And, finally, email me the URL to your repository.


  • Remember that percentages are often represented as numbers like 6.5% but the

    real value is 0.065.

  • The user's input will always be a string. You will need to convert the

    user's numerical inputs into numbers.

Last updated

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