Fibonacci (optional)

This is an optional assignment and can be a little tricky. The Fibonacci sequence is an infinite sequence of numbers that starts with 0 and 1 and then adds the previous number with the current to get the next number.

round 1:
0 <-- previous
1 <-- current
1 <-- new
round 2:
1 <-- previous
1 <-- current
2 <-- new

This sequence has many real-world applications and is even a naturally occurring phenomenon in plants and animals. This assignment will not introduce you to any real-world applications but is a fun puzzle to solve that will allow you to flex your new loop-building muscles.


Fork the following repository and clone your copy (if you haven't already for this lesson).


Open in your text editor.



  • ask the user if they want to:

    1) calculate the nth Fibonacci number
    2) calculate the last Fibonacci number less than or equal to n
    3) quit


  • solve the selected option using loops. Each option lends itself more to a

    certain loop type. It is your job to find out which one goes with which


  • the first 10 Fibonacci numbers are:

    0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34
  • an efficient algorithm will require you to swap the values of two variables.

    You can do this using a temporary variable. Since this is a bit tricky, I will

    provide you with the part you will need.

    temp = current
    current += previous
    previous = temp

Last updated